The Radius
Once a grouping of original fixtures and accessories presented in matching PVD finishes, these items are now collected under The Radius System. Based off a beautiful synthesis of 45º angles and the Golden Ratio, TSL’s Radius products elevate traditional utilitarian fixtures of a restroom - the coat hook, the toilet paper hold, a sensor faucet and wall-mounted soap dispenser, among others - to an experience of pure aesthetics. Thoughtfully designed and rigorously tested, these concealed-fixing items present a cohesive face while being vandal resistant and minimalist. Rendered more durable still by their PVD finishes (in which stainless steel is impregnated with colored titanium ions), The Radius Collection presents a full vision for a restroom that is appropriate across many sectors, including hospitality, museums, schools, office, and retail installations. Unparalleled versatility renders these items aspirational additions to many residential bathrooms as well.
Click through the products below to see how TSL's Radius Collection can help you specify a beautifully uniform restroom.